Saturday, April 25, 2009


There's a whole lot of excitement to be had when one gets a new iphone. You're a part of a gang, a club. You're privy to iphone conversations where you'll compare apps and see if your iphone is better than their iphone. But really, I have to say, my iphone is driving me insane!

I'm not sure I want this membership anymore - and knowing my luck it will like trying to weasel your way out of a fitness first membership.

The problem is the key pad - either my fingers are too fat or the keyboard is just plain annoying. Every time I got type my name 'Laki' (for example) it comes up with 'Lake' and I always hit the space button instead of the x and then, because I always type really fast and send things straight away, I end up send a msg or email that's riddled with spelling mistakes.
Sure there are plenty of things that are great about the iphone besides being a member of the exclusive (well not really) club... but for now I am stuck on the issues with the keyboard.
That's it, nothing more,just the freakin' keyboard.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


OK so the latest thing on my mind is work...for a change. I love working in the TV industry and i have had an excellent career thus far, but as a married woman things are a bit different now and work will never be the same.

The hours I work are, to many, ridiculous. To me however it's fairly normal and understandable - we're making 6 nights of television - that takes time! As a single woman, the hours never bothered me. It's not like I had anyone waiting at home for me. But now I do and suddenly my perspective has had to change and another persons well being and feelings have to be catered for. Suddenly things are not as they used to be and this is not a bad thing. I love that after a long day on set, I come home to a man who is hanging out to see me, whose cleaned the house and made sure that when I get home he's always awake. I love the idea of knowing that there's a big cuddle waiting for me each day, that there is a rational ear to listen to my babble about my day.

My line of work will always include instability, long hours, travel and shows that don't hit the mark, but now i have a 'someone' a person who no matter what will love me, respect me and be my stability when I need it the most.

Work doesn't seem so bad anymore!