There's a whole lot of excitement to be had when one gets a new iphone. You're a part of a gang, a club. You're privy to iphone conversations where you'll compare apps and see if your iphone is better than their iphone. But really, I have to say, my iphone is driving me insane!
I'm not sure I want this membership anymore - and knowing my luck it will like trying to weasel your way out of a fitness first membership.
The problem is the key pad - either my fingers are too fat or the keyboard is just plain annoying. Every time I got type my name 'Laki' (for example) it comes up with 'Lake' and I always hit the space button instead of the x and then, because I always type really fast and send things straight away, I end up send a msg or email that's riddled with spelling mistakes.
Sure there are plenty of things that are great about the iphone besides being a member of the exclusive (well not really) club... but for now I am stuck on the issues with the keyboard.
That's it, nothing more,just the freakin' keyboard.