That's right! MasterChef made me do it - the cry from households all across the country! Cooking is the new cool and we have MasterChef to thank. The family dinner table has been set and dinner now comes with garnish. Kids are not only eating their greens but demanding better food from parents and eating out is all about discovery rather than simply being the easier option.
Whether you cook or not, if you watched MasterChef, then you too were probably hit by food stick too.
Restaurants featured on MasterChef commented on the increase in bookings from new customers, food suppliers ran out of Croquenbouche 'cones' and groceries ran out of whatever core ingredient was featured on the show the night before. But will this new-found relationship with food last? I hope so!
It's unsure why MasterChef was such a hit - was it the upbeat, positive, encouraging tone? Was it the excitement of wandering what on earth contestants would cook with those Mystery Box ingredients? Was it the passion the wannabe chefs showed. Whatever it was it worked. In these 'Difficult Economic Times' staying in is the norm and so is cooking at home. Perfect timing for a show like MasterChef!
The Friday night MasterClass was a hit - giving viewers the opportunity to learn recipes & tips from 2 of Australia's top chefs. It was an opportunity for contestants to pick the brains of the very people judging them. There was something for everyone.
The contestants were passionate and knowledgeable, competitive but caring. Their goals were clear and I hope they all go on to do great things. What the public wanted was more positive role models and That's what they got. Everyday people with a love for food, pushing themselves, jumping way outside their comfort ones and putting themselves firmly in the firing line but all the while smiling, laughing and simply trying harder every challenge!
And so, MasterChef has left an imprint on households across the country and we hope it's a lasting one. Eat up peeps - it's good for you!