Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week 3 12WBT - Highs and Lows

It's been 3 weeks since my husband and I started our 12WBT adventure. 3 weeks of sticking to a food plan, exercising daily, standing on scales, saying 'no' to all the foods I've said 'yes' to in the past and saying 'yes' to all the things I've said 'no' to in the past. 

It's been 3 weeks of taking my lunch with me - even to my own cafe - of planning ahead, of having schedule, of being organised. And it's working. I've lost about 4.5 kilos. My clothes are starting to sit on my body differently, I'm feeling better, more energetic and importantly, I am proud of what I've achieved. 

But i've had a rough week. For those who don't know, we're also going through IVF at the moment, we've been doing the various stages of IVF for almost 2 years now and the last 3 attempts have been full IVF. Sadly we had 2 miscarriages last year and we have just been through our first cycle for 2013. 

This week I found out that our latest IVF attempt failed and the news is heart breaking. For anyone who has been through it, you'll know that IVF is extremely emotional but also has a very invasive physical part to it and of course a huge financial aspect. It knocked me for a six and all I wanted to do was punish myself - eat 'comfort foods', drink wine, curl in a ball and cry. But I didn't. I am lucky enough to have an amazing support group - My husband who is by my side through everything, two of my closest friends Vari & Nicola, who know exactly what to say to me to get me back on my feet and my mum, who's unwavering faith is a huge comfort. I also made a plea via twitter to @12WBT & @Mishbridges - the 12WBT crew suggested that instead of punishment by food, i do something soothing - like get a manicure....An excellent Idea. Mish pledged her support and told me that I am amazing. 

The point I am trying to make is that no matter what, how painful something is, if you talk to people about it, if you share your problems with your family and friends, then you can overcome it. There is a huge part of the 12WBT which is dedicated to emotional support - the forums, facebook sites, twitter, live chats. We aren't left to hang out and dry on our own. With life change comes emotional ups and downs - we aren't alone in this. 

1 comment:

  1. Someone as sanguine as yourself deserves to receive many life blessings. I hope you get some more very soon. x
