Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week 1 12WBT - Just Do It!

Just Do it - Best tagline for a sporting company ever! 3 words can have a huge impact. 

JUST - no ifs, no buts, no excuses
DO - take action
IT - something, anything!

Seems simple enough and it is - just ask any person currently doing the Michelle Bridges 12WBT. Everyone I speak to who has done it or is currently doing it says how great it is - Michelle has done all the hard work for you - she tells you what to do, how to do it, when to do it and why do it - she's with you every step of the way!

When we did our first grocery shop we couldn't believe how much there was in our trolley - we'd never done such a big shop. But by the end of the week our fridge was almost empty and we couldn't get over the fact we'd eaten it all! We followed Mish's recipes and were never hungry - in fact I ate more than I had in a long time. By the end of the week my body was already adjusting to 3 regular meals and 2 snacks a day! I made sure I always had some snacks ready to go and I even took my lunch to my cafe so I wasn't tempted to eat something I shouldn't!

The exercise component came much easier than I expected - However if you look up uncoordinated you'll see a picture of me attempting aerobics!  We'd bought a 3 pack of Michelle's DVD's, so I worked through those - thankful that she had a low impact option on every video. Each workout is broken into 5 minute segments meaning you can do as much or as little as you want and as Mish says, as least you're doing something! The more I did the easier it got and by the end of the week I was absolutely thrilled with my effort - despite my complete inability to make my arms work at the same time as the rest of my body!

It could have been so easy to give up on the exercise - recently I had a hand operation (carpel tunnel), was diagnosed with 2 bulging discs in my lower back and I have just started a 3rd round of IVF. I thought that exercising would be really difficult but it wasn't - If Mish was doing push ups, I did squats. If she was jumping, I did the low impact option. The reasons to not do something are all in my head - I just have to learn to override them!

I lost about 1.5 kilos in Week 1 and I am pretty chuffed with that!


  1. Well done on getting through week one with flying colours!! xx

  2. Go you!! Congrats on the weightloss!!! And good luck with the IVF x
